Introduction to Python

According to Python webpage, “Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively. […] Python is powerful… and fast; plays well with others; runs everywhere; is friendly & easy to learn; is Open”. Reading these lines, one can get an immediate and accurate understanding of the key guidelines that drove the development of this language.

To be precise, Python is a high-level, interpreted, general-purpose, and dynamic programming language that supports object-oriented approach. Its modularity and easiness to be customized to the developer’s needs with external libraries have made Python the first choice used by many programmers, and broadly adopted in multiple environments. Python’s key strengths are:

  1. Open source language: Python can be downloaded without any cost at its official webpage. It is developed under an open source license, making it freely usable and distributable.

  2. Friendly language: Compared with other programming languages, Python is very intuitive and natural. One only needs a few lines of code to write a program, thus helping the debugging process.

  3. Libraries and packages: Python has a vast library of modules and functions ready to enhance its capabilities. This modularity allows the application of Python in diverse fields, such as Machine Learning, Mathematics and Science, or Web and Internet development.

  4. Extensible and portable: Python allows you to use libraries written in other languages. Moreover, it is platform-independent, which means that Python code can be executed on any platform (Linux, Windows, macOS).

  5. Dynamical data-structure: Data-type in Python is assigned dynamically, which means that one does not have to declare the data-structure of each variable in advance (as occurs in Fortran, for instance), but it is assigned automatically while declaring the variable. For example, when we set the variable x = 5.0, Python assigns systematically a float value (5.0) to a float variable (x), avoiding wastage of memory.

  6. Object-oriented approach: Python supports an object-oriented environment (properties and behaviors are bounded into individuals objects), providing multiple functions and tools to developed applications with an object-oriented approach in mind. We will discuss this point in greater depth later.


You will be able to find more about Python’s core strengths at:

Data-structures in Python

Python uses Data Structures as the method to handle and organize the data. They are the fundamental building blocks around which one develops a Python program. Data Structures allow the coder to store data, perform different operations and establish relationships among them. Python provides multiple types of data structures with unique features to organize and store the information efficiently according to the developer’s needs.

External libraries

Raw Python offers different data structures that can easily be enhanced by using standard and external libraries. In this chapter, we will focus only on the fundamental data types built into core Python. We will give a small glimpse of enhanced data structures at the end of this section.

Data Structures are classified into two main categories: Primitive structures, which represent the simplest blocks of data storage; and Non-Primitive structures, which consist of more advanced elements used in more specific and complex scenarios.


Python Data Structures. These can be classified into two main groups: Primitive Data Structures, core building elements in Python, and Non-primitive Data Structures, collections of Primitive Data Structures.

Primitive Data Structures

Primitive Data Structures represent the most elementary building elements for storing pure and plain data values in Python. They are defined in conjunction with a predefined set of operations, allowing the manipulation of the stored data. Python has four types of Primitive Data Structures:

  1. Integer Data Structures are used to represent the integer numeric data. The maximum integer number one is able to reach is constrained by the memory of the system.

  2. Float Data Structures are used for designating rational numbers. Float numbers in Python are represented as 64-bit (double-precision) values. The maximum value a float value can have is 1.8 \times 10^{308}, while the minimum number one can represent is 5.8 \times 10^{-324}. One should notice that Integer Structures are promoted to float numbers when operating with Float Data Structures. In this way, the operation 3 + 4.0 yields 7.0; the integer number 3 is implicitly converted to the float number 3.0 to operate. This type of transformation is called Implicit Data Type Conversion.

  3. String Data Structures are sequences of character data. Python uses String Structures to store textual data information as an immutable series of characters (string variables cannot be updated once they are defined). String chains are delimited by either single or double-quotes. Surprisingly, string variables are iterative objects; they represent recursive structures where each character is also a string object. One can find more information about String Data Structures along these lines (we strongly recommend reading the section concerning Suppressing Special Character).

  4. Boolean Data Structures is a built-in data type that represents the true value of an expression. It has only two possible values, True (1) and False (0). Python considers Boolean Data Structures as numeric elements, which means that one can apply arithmetic operations to boolean variables. This fact turns very useful when counting the number of True values, for instance. Read this page to get more information about Boolean Data Structures.

Data Type Conversion

One can check the type of any defined variable using the built-in Python function type(). Besides, coders can modify and play with the nature of the defined variables. There are two ways to change the type of a variable:

  • Implicit Data Type Conversion: Python automatically converts the data type of the objects for the user. This action arises when operating variables with different data types, as we saw in the previous example.

  • Explicit Data Type Conversion: Python has built-in functions that allow developers to explicitly change certain variables’ data types at will. Nevertheless, some defined data structures might not be modified.

Non-primitive Data Structures

In addition to the building elements used to construct the most elementary objects, Python provides a series of structures that work at a higher level of complexity than the former. Instead of storing new definitions, these new objects store a collection of Primitive Data Structures. Called Non-primitive Data Structures, they are further classified into different categories depending on how the primary elements are stored:


Strings can also be viewed as non-primitive Data Structures, since they are an immutable collection of unicode characters of length 1.

  1. Arrays are a fundamental structure included in the Python standard library. They consist of fixed-size data objects where each element is saved in adjoining memory blocks. Each memory block is identified by a unique number, allowing the interpreter to efficiently locate the stored objects based on this index. However, arrays can only hold data structures of the same type and allow neither new entries nor modifications of existing elements (arrays are immutable). These restrictions make arrays incredible efficient containers, being extremely fast to find any variable contained inside a block. The array module should be imported before using them, allowing the user to define array-type objects by applying the array function.

    >>> import array as arr
    >>> new_array = arr.array("f", [3.4, 5.7, 2.1])
    >>> print(new_array)
    array('I', [2, 4, 6])
  2. Lists are built-in Python structures. They are implemented as dynamic arrays, meaning that one is able to remove or introduce new elements inside a list dynamically (the list object will automatically reset the memory size of the blocks). Lists can store different data structures, which allows mixing arbitrary kinds of data into a single list. Lists objects are defined by using square brackets [ ].

    >>> list = ["a", "b", "c"]
    >>> print(list)
    ['a', 'b', 'c']
    >>> list[1]
  3. Tuples, like lists, are part of Python core language. Tuples are immutable objects (tuple entries cannot be modified or removed dynamically), but they can store multiple data structures. One defines tuple-type objects using parenthesis ( ). They are broadly adopted in scenarios where we need to pass a data set to other users without them being able to modify the original collection.

    >>> tuple = ("one", "two", "three")
    >>> print(tuple)
    ('one', 'two', 'three')
    >>> # tuples are immutable
    >>> arr[1] = "hello"
    Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
  4. Dictionaries represent a fundamental Data Structure in Python, built into its core language. Dictionaries are used to store an arbitrary number of primitive, indexed objects, meaning that each element is identified by a unique label or key. This indexation allows developers to quickly locate the data associated with the given dictionary key. An illustrative analogy to understand Python’s dictionaries is to compare them to a phone book, where each phone number (the data) is associated with a name (the key). As far as dictionary keys are concerned, not every object can be used as a valid key. These must be hashable objects, elements that do not change during their lifetime and can be compared to other objects (strings and numbers are usually adopted as dictionary keys).

    >>> my_dict = {
                   "alice" : 1, 
                   "bob" : 2, 
                   "charlie" : 3
    >>> print(my_dict["alice"])
  5. Sets represent an unordered collection of primitive, non-repeating objects. The latter restriction is, precisely, their principal trait: duplicate elements not allowed in sets. Sets are mutable objects with dynamical insertion and deletion of entries.

    >>> my_set = {"alice", "bob", "charlie"} 
    >>> print(my_set)
    {'alice', 'charlie', 'bob'}
  6. Files Data structures are used to store and later recover large sets of data and information. Python offers multiple tools to write and read files.


All the information concerning Python’s Data Structures can be found here. These pages contain additional information explaining sophisticated structures with more advanced features than the basic Data Structures we have covered:

Some remarks on enhanced Data Structures

As pointed before, Python’s standard library, in addition to all user-created libraries, hugely expand the regular possibilities offered by Python and the properties of its fundamental Data Structures. An exhaustive review of these improved Data Structures is out of the scope of this section. Instead, we will highlight those that we find more interesting for the user (if one is interested in learning more about non-standard Data Structures, this tutorial covers the most common modules used to store data in Python).

  • types.MappingProxyType modifies regular dictionary lists, making immutable versions of the original dictionary’s data (MappingProxyType module is a dictionary decorator). Like tuples, MappingProxyType objects are useful when defining dictionary views that do not allow further modifications.

>>> from types import MappingProxyType
>>> my_dict = {
              "Alice": "spoon", 
              "Bob": "fork", 
              "Charlie": "knife"
>>> view_dict = MappingProxyType(my_dict)

>>> view_dict["Charlie"] = "peeler"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'mappingproxy' object does not support item assignment
  • collections.namedtuple increases the functionalities offered by regular tuples. This module allows you to define field names for each record entry. In this way, the developer ensures that the correct variable or data structure enters into each of the tuple slots. namedtuple objects are implemented as Python classes and are immutable sequences. Information stored inside namedtuple is accessed via the field name used to identify the entry (similarly to Python’s dictionaries).

>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> Family = namedtuple("Family", "mother father sister brother")
>>> my_family = Family("Marge", "Homer", "Lisa", "Bart")

>>> my_family
Family(mother='Marge', father='Homer', sister='Lisa', brother='Bart')

>>> my_family.sister 
  • collections.Counter is a built-in class of the Python standard library. It defines a set object in which multiple occurrences of the set elements are allowed. This fact turns handy when one is interested in counting the number of appearances of the components included in the set.

>>> from collections import Counter
>>> shopping_list = Counter()

>>> food = {"apple": 4, "bread": 2, "milk": 3}
>>> shopping_list.update(food)
>>> shopping_list
Counter({'apple': 4, 'milk': 3, 'bread': 2})

>>> more_food = {"apple": 7}
>>> shopping_list.update(more_food)
>>> shopping_list
Counter({'apple': 11, 'milk': 3, 'bread': 2})
  • collections.deque is an optimized list that allows one to efficiently add and remove elements from both the top and the bottom of the sequence. deque collections are doubly-linked lists, which makes them excellent containers to support LIFO and FIFO semantics.

>>> from collections import deque
>>> party_list = deque() 

>>> party_list.append("Lisa")
>>> party_list.append("George")
>>> party_list.append("Alfred")
>>> party_list.append("Miller")

>>> party_list.pop()

>>> party_list.popleft()