Introduction to Git

Git is a powerful tool that permits parallel and asynchronous work while maximizing productivity and collaboration among team members. Despite the countless benefits Git offers, it requires time and dedication to learn and master. In this section, we will try to cover and define the most general Git concepts that may lead to misleading conclusions. Having an accurate understanding of these terms will notably facilitate your learning path. This section summarizes the content of different reviews and guides (highlighted throughout this page); we strongly encourage practicing the core Git utilities using this lab, which includes a beginner-oriented tour about the basic concepts you are working on.

The three stages of Git


Three stages of Git.

Every file in a Git repository goes through three stages: modified, staged and committed.

  • Modified is the stage where you can add new features (or modifications) to the project. Changes are applied in the working directory (the Git tree in sync with your local machine), leaving unchanged the original code.

  • The second step is tracking modified files. The command git add [files] updates the Git index using the given files and pushes them to the staging area. Files included in this “space” are monitored by Git, notifying when new changes are applied. This area is the previous step to commit your latest modifications: it stores the changes that you want to include in the next snapshot.

  • The last step consists in committing your modifications. git commit records a snapshot of the changes kept in the staging area while creating a new timestamp in the history. Adding the option -m allows you to pass a commit message. Git maintains a record of all the commits made, generating a “timeline” with committed changes ordered in time. Sitting in a particular commit, all previous ones are called ancestors, usually designated with arrows in descriptive illustrations.


Files in a working directory can be in two states: tracked, files already present in the previous snapshot or added to the staging area, or untracked, files not present in the last commit and therefore not staged. Git will not include untracked files in the following historical snapshot until you explicitly add them. Git notices new modifications added to the tracked files.


You will discover more information and material about these concepts in the following links:

  • An introductory tutorial about the saving process in Git.

  • A (maybe too comprehensive) complete description of the recording process in Git.

  • Tutorial focused on the Git command reset, the first part contains an enlightening description of Git’s internal state management system.

Commit, branches and heads

As previously mentioned, git commit is a daily command used to save the relevant changes in our repository. Git preserves a history of which commits were made and when; new commits arise from older commits (called parents or ancestors), which are used as a basis to build new commitments.


New committed changes are based off its ancestors.

Most VCS’s offer the possibility of creating secure “rooms” where you can play and test new inclusions to your model. Contrary to other VCS’s (where these environments copy files from directory to directory), Git branches are pointers to commits kept in Git history. Branches are not new isolated copies of your project files (like a container for your commits), but they are references to specific commits. Developers usually represent Git branches as independent ramifications (or bifurcations) from the main development line. They are built using the git branch command or git checkout -b.

Consider the scenario illustrated in the figure below, where you have committed a recent change. When using the command git checkout -b new_feature (or git branch new_feature), you are creating a new pointer labeled new_feature that refers to the last commit while maintaining the repository unchanged. That being said, a natural question may arise: what is the usefulness of creating a new reference? Although at first glance this operation might seem useless, branches reach their full potential as we generate new commits.

Moving to the branch that we created (new_feature), subsequent commits (for example, c3) will be referred to by the latter. Once we have finished our task, we return to our principal branch (main) by using the command git checkout main (remember, branches are simply references; as illustrated in the figure, main is a tip pointing to the commit c2). Sitting on main, we will develop a ramification when committing a new change (in this case, called c4). Despite being conceived by the same commit c2, c3 and c4 are disconnected entities that “exist” in different branches. If we come back to new_feature, we can make further commits that depend neither on c4 nor on main. As mentioned at the beginning, we are able to write new code without affecting the main development line.


Branches are pointers to specific commits in Git history. Sitting on the commit c2 (which is referred to by main), we can create a new branch named as new_feature. All subsequent commits (as c3) will be referred to by this newly created branch.


Once we have created the new commit c3, we go back to the branch main. A new commit c4 will generate a bifurcation or fork in the Git history. Commits from different branches (c3 and c4) are disconnected.

Once we are satisfied with the changes made in our code, we can integrate the multiple commits created in our supporting branch into the mainline by using git merge. This sentence generates a dedicated commit that combines the development of the two branches (current and target). Merge commits are unique as they are based on two parent commits. One should notice that merge commits are produced in the current branch; git merge updates the source branch with the modifications made on the target branch, leaving the latter unaffected.


git merge generates a unique commit that unifies the two history lines.

Closely related to the fact that branches act as a pointer is the concept of HEAD. HEAD is the name used to refer to the commit we are working on. It frequently points to the most recent commit. We can change the position of HEAD by using the command git checkout (actually, when you are applying this sentence for switching between branches, what Git is doing is migrating the tip HEAD from one branch to the other). We can move HEAD to a specific commit (and detached it from a branch) using the command git checkout plus the label that identifies the commit. In the same way, we are able to move the position of a branch by typing git branch -f [branch_name] [position].


If you are interested in delving into the ideas explored in this section, you should read the following links:

  • You will find all the information you need about Git branches on this page.

  • Enlightening tutorial about the merge command. It includes the multiple options this command offers and the different merge strategies.

Joining histories

Once you have finished your work and the new modifications satisfy your criteria, you are in position to integrate all these changes into the mainline of the project and share your thoughts with your teammates. Git offers two primary utilities to incorporate novel code from one branch into another, git merge and git rebase. Despite sharing a common goal, the methodology and philosophy behind these two are very different.


Git branches are pointers to specific commits in Git history. They are not new repositories or folders.

Git Merge

The command git merge combines the content from two different branches into a single, unified commit. The process is the following: git merge takes two branch pointers and identifies their common commit ancestor. Once Git locates this point, it generates a unique “merge commit” (on the branch we are currently working on) that combines all committed changes from their common parent. This new commit is unique in the sense that it depends on two parent commits. One should notice that git merge only modifies the current branch; the target branch history remains unaltered (as illustrated in the previous figure).

Git Rebase

git rebase is the second method used to integrate changes. Rebasing compresses the content of the source branch into a single patch and integrates it on top of the target branch. In this way, we transfer the finished work from one branch to another, rewriting and flattening the history. It appears as if the entire sequence of commits had been created from start to finish on the same branch, achieving a linear project history. Internally, what Git is doing is replicating the commit sequence of the source branch onto the target base, creating new commits for each commit in the original branch. The primary motivation for using git rebase is to achieve a linear project history.


git rebase captures the content from one branch and reapplies it on top of the other. In that way, rebasing changes the base of our branch to a different commit.

Good practices

An excellent exercise to avoid merging conflicts when pushing your content, either to the main branch or to a remote repository, is rebasing your changes with the most recent version of main. In this way, you guarantee that your changes are based on the most updated version of the repository, facilitating the merging process.

Consider the following scenario: you have worked for several days on an additional feature for a program. Meanwhile, the mainline has been updated multiple times by your teammates, leaving your files obsolete. If you want to push your work to remote and open a Pull Request to merge your latest additions, a good practice is rebasing your content with the most updated version of the remote repository:

  1. First, you have to download the remote main branch to include all these new modifications added by your colleagues: git pull origin main

  2. Once you have your local main branch updated, you have to switch to your local working environment: git checkout feature

  3. Sitting on your branch, rebase your modifications with main: git rebase main

Eureka! Now your branch is based on the remote main branch and it is ready to be pushed without any problem.

Git Rebase -i

An appealing option git rebase offers is the interactive mode. The flag -i initializes the interactive mode, which allows you to rebase the commits individually as well as modifying their properties. In this way, you can determine how the sequence of commits is transferred to the new base. Besides, this mode opens the door to rewriting your Git history by using the command git rebase -i HEAD~ plus the number of commits you want to rewrite. With this command, instead of rebasing against a distinct branch, you are “shifting” your base to the same point while allowing you to remodel the structure of your commits. git rebase -i is extensively used (and widely recommended) before pushing your modifications to remote; you can rectify your changes, reorganize your history, and keep the number of commits to a minimum.

git rebase not only allows you to rewrite your history, but it reinforces the concept of branches as pointers. Next to git rebase must always be a reference: either the label that refers to an individual commit (to rewrite your history), or a target branch to integrate your changes linearly.


You will be able to find more literature about merging utilities in the following links:

Rewriting history

Before pushing your modifications to your shared repository, having a clean, organized history is strongly recommended to help the reviewing process to your comrades (and, of course, to facilitate your understanding of the working flow). Git offers multiple workflow customization tools that give you total control over the project development. We mentioned git rebase -i, but there are more options to restructure your Git commits, such as git commit --amend. These two essential references contain everything you should know about history-rewriting commands. These sources expose the topic in such a precise and straightforward manner that we are unable to include something relevant to the discussion.